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Insights From Our Experts

How to Engage Users on Their Website Journey

by Eric V. Holtzclaw

Feb 28, 2023

You’ve done so much work on making your website, then why is no one staying to see it? Well, let’s just take a step back and reevaluate the purpose of a website. A website is made to bridge the gap between you and your clients. Great websites let customers get information and stay engaged with the product or services as well as the company. The best way to form a website is to be aware of the audience and their expectations so you can make the best design and content for them. There are many reasons why you may be failing to hit your website engagement goals.  These are a few tips you should consider trying to increase your website engagement success!

Make content more readable

People don’t read everything, they scan. You can’t make them read, but you can help them scan better. By helping them scan, you can make sure they’re getting the most important parts of the message you’re trying to convey. You can do this with the F pattern method. Through studies, it is shown that when visitors look at a page for the first time and try to get information quickly, they scan the page in an F like pattern or shape, two horizontal stripes and then a vertical stripe, like the actual alphabet F. Here’s an example of how most people scan through text. We have one introduction sentence as the first horizontal line, then two images and the following text becomes the second horizontal line.

Speed up your website

The faster, the better! Every second counts and the longer it takes for a website to load, the more likely the user is going to have a horrible user experience. Instead of looking at all the content of the website, the user will just be annoyed from having to wait for your website to load. So, how can you make it faster? There are plenty of resources to check out that will improve your website’s overall speed and performance.  Here are a few to get you started:

Experiment with Design

Having a modern but user-friendly design is most important to keeping users on your website longer. The goal of design should be to create an atmosphere or experience that the user will not want to leave. So, what’s the first detail to catch a user’s eye? Colors! Red, orange, and other “hot” colors, mixed with neutral colors encourage reaction. Blue, green, etc. (known as the “cool” colors) give a relaxed, calm but safe reaction. Choosing the right colors and how to combine them attractively can be a challenge, but the best thing to do is to be consistent on each page of your site. Consistency in color, font, and layout will keep the user remain engaged during their website experience.

It can be tough to get clients or customers engaged with your website, but these simple tips will increase engagement with your users on their website journey. If you have any other ideas or tips for website engagement success, please feel free to add a comment on this post and share them!